Thursday, May 17, 2012


Wren Academy's first completed GCSE! Year 10 have just fully completed 100% of their RS GCSE. The atmosphere was scary but we all got through it in the end. That's 1 done, 9 more to go...

RS GCSE Finished

The Wren Academy started the Religious Studies GCSE earlier thasn other schools, This has just been completed by our year 10 students and just started by are Year 9 Student.Now RS lessons will be about Cults and different Religions and ideas that we have not yet seen. On are next RS lesson we will be finding out about RS and philosophy courses for A Level. We have now completed our First full GCSE. Next year these sessions will be filled with our preferences .

Thursday, May 3, 2012

English GCSE public speaking

On the 10th and 11th of May the year 10's will be doing there speaking and listening 2nd assessment this is worth 10% out of there 30% and they have already completed 10% This will be on numerous topics such as should size 0 models be banned, the attitudes of Islam, should cannabis be legal, Should Tesco take over the world, Should capital punishment be allowed and more. This will be marked out of 15 marks in total and will be a individual presentation to a teacher either Mrs Doddy or Mrs José and some students whose presentation is on Thursday might have a AQA moderator in their presentation. It is a nerve racking idea for numbers of students and for others they will pass with flying colours.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The prgress of Wren's new 6th Form

Wren Academy is opening their new 6th Form in September 2013. The excitement is building as they have started the construction for it. Everybody awaits the. predicted-to-be a Great Sixth Form that will be of high standards just like the Secondary school. We hope it continues the tradition of getting rated Outstanding by Ofsted as well! There will be approximately 100-120 students altogether in the new Wren Academy Sixth Form. It will be open to students from other schools as well. We anticipate that Wren Academy will now be complete. Good Luck to everyone who is involved in setting up our Sixth Form and a special Good Luck to Ms Mitchell who is our Head of Sixth Form.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

We are loosing one of our math teachers.

We areloosing a math teacher and the leader of this Enrichment this means that we will have a new teacher taking our Enrichment this is changing our math set teachers different sets will have different teachers. We all will miss out math and enrichment teacher.

Half term

As the school is breaking up for the easter hoiliday it means two weeks of revision for the year 10 students, as soon as we come back many students have their Drama GCSE RS mocs then revision we are also having liotrs of assesment results back. This can lead back to preperation for each GCSE as they all start in April mainly most GCSE are in June.


A number of Wren students have taken part in there ADT GCSE this took place on Wednesday and thurday of this week where there have been a number of spectacular pieces from waxed shirts which was scribed the dyed with oiul colours, we have also had abstract 3D pieces. This is a good part of the ADT students tasks as they have gone through what it is really like and this will be seen as the moc GCSE or the real GCSE. This took part for all ADTT student except those who do product design.